Why Theology Forums Are Important

By Marsha Klein

Religion has always been a part of society, and it always will. With the technology that we have today many more people are being brought together that would have otherwise never met. Theology forums on the Internet give them a way to discuss their beliefs and their faith with others of the same ilk. Never before have so many people of various belief systems been able to communicate with one another.

Sometimes this "closeness" can cause arguments or even violence, but for the most part it is done in peace. People all generally want the same things, they just need to be brought together in order to achieve this. With religion there are various and widespread goals and for the most part these are brotherhood and peace.

Yet another reason why these theology discussions take place. These talks, lectures, whatever you want to call them, have been happening for a very long time. As long as there was a person shouting that God is responsible for everything here, there has been another person asking why. This brings about discussion and up until modern times these discussions were frowned upon.

Actually, they were not frowned upon but rather, they were against the law. For many people freedom of religion was the biggest draw for them to come to America. People have been persecuted for their religious beliefs for as long as we have recorded our history. This should give you a sense of just how powerful it can be.

Now this is not happening all the time but it does happen. The same could be said of theology forums. The right ones coupled with some vulnerable or willing minds and you can expose a person to religions they might have never seen before. Having the opportunity to look at the various beliefs and make a choice about which one to follow is something most people do not have.

Then you have maybe the more modernized styles. These would be those that look just like any other message board except for the fact that the main topic and all others are about religion. Sometimes they are segregated by religious beliefs and sometimes they are not. It all depends on the person or group who initiated the board.

People are given the opportunity to speak directly with people who have been involved with their religion for decades. They can ask them questions, talk about what they liked and what they disliked. The answers given were more precious than gold to the people who were looking for them. There is nothing more valuable than the advice of a trusted friend.

Theology forums have a variety of benefits to everyone. People can take from them what they will. For those who believe it is a place to gather. For those who do not a place to explore and study. Everyone gets something different from them and everybody gives something in return whether they know it or not. Knowledge.

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