The Need For Corporate Team Building Activities

By Krystal Branch

The ever changing dynamics of businesses has necessitated corporate team building activities that add value to the company. Importantly, team building falls under organizational psychology which plays a central role in inspiring communication. Therefore, it leads to motivation of employees of the organization.

There are many facets of team building and how it affects individual employees in the long run. This is more especially if the events are organized regularly with an aim of achieving satisfaction. In other words, it is meant not only to motivate but also to improve productivity as strengths of members are realized.

There exist different forms and models of team building activities which can be used by corporate organizations in any industry. Most of these programs are aimed at achieving satisfaction as they try to motivate employees. In other words, there is a great possibility of improved communication within the employees and the top echelon.

Employee feedback activities when done periodically tend to achieve better results if they are well organized. If carried out after every two to three months, then there are going to be tangible results which are positive in nature. In this case, the employees will learn to speak freely in between themselves about things affecting them and hence improved communication.

Some activities always encourage use of informal language. This is meant to close the gap between the employees and the top management by improving on communication. It is with such kind of programs that employees see their boss as a colleague and not really a corporate dictator who is out only to shout orders. It therefore strengthens the bond between members and hence motivating them to work towards a common objective. Day trips are best for this kind of bond creation because everyone is involved at a personal level.

Group discussions help in breaking walls that exist between members. If combined with celebrating the success of individual members the bond is even strengthened more. The best thing you can do therefore is to appreciate the fact that one of the members has excelled in a specific field. It definitely builds communication bridges within the group and improves on the scope of operation, hence achieving the desired results much faster.

It is highly recommended that before you can choose on any specific activity; you must understand your objectives and what the activity can do for your group. Ask yourself whether one of the ambitions of a member is affecting the group, or if your they just need morale boosting activity. Look at the communication part of it and ascertain whether the activity will result in building communication bridges in your group.

Some of the corporate team building activities that have proven to achieve better results include; survival scenario, stereotype party, mine field, and human spring methods. Note that these activities aim at attain different things in the process of team building. For instance, while some aim at building trust, some focus at eliminating stereotypes.

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