How To Connect To Your Subconscious Mind

By Shannon C. Raskin

Since the subconscious mind is always in control of our behavior (in the long run) it seems crucial that we understand how it operates. Successful mind training requires that knowledge. Creating a happy, successful, fear free life also requires it. Here are some basic concepts that should be helpful.

Most basically, the mind is the process that take place within the brain. Through our conscious mind we are aware of many of those functions - the five basic senses, the ability to think and talk and move our body parts. We read and learn and feel emotions and so on. The subconscious mind, however, hides most of its activities from us, hence its name, which means below awareness.

Physical reminders use your conscious mind as a bridge to get to your subconscious mind. First, by creating the reminders (i.e. drawing the notes) you are instilling the thought into first your conscious mind, and then your subconscious.Second, when you place the reminder in a strategic location, one where you will see it frequently, you give the thought an opportunity to take a direct route to your subconscious. (Think subliminal messaging.) If advertisers take advantage of this method so freely, and with such success, why can't we "trick" ourselves, too?I'm not a person who puts myself into deep trances on a regular basis, but as someone who daydreams occasionally, I can attest to the benefits of allowing your mind to drift into a relaxed, thoughtless state.Thoughtless may be the wrong word. Focused is probably more accurate.The next time you catch yourself daydreaming, take a moment and think about how focused and in tune with your thoughts you were. That is the state of mind you should shoot for when you meditate. Relax until you are literally lost in thought.Be sure to have a focused topic as you are drifting into meditation or your thoughts may be misdirected. Take a minute to specifically identify the goals you want to achieve or the problem you'd like to solve. Once you've got them clearly in your mind, close your eyes, control your breathing and relax your body. Don't let those thoughts leave your head. Now visualize (see step 3.) yourself achieving the goals, or functioning in a world where your problem has been solved.

In our daily lives, we often use the unconscious mind. You can also use it to achieve goals. Only thing is you need to program it to work the way you want.Every thing you perceive goes to the unconscious mind as well as the conscious part. However, the subconscious mind doesn't know what is real and what is imagined. It is also capable of thinking only literally. It doesn't understand humor and emotions.

Visualization is one of the best techniques to tap into your unconscious self. By visualizing images of success, you have programmed your unconscious mind to achieve success. However, you have to do this on a daily basis.Positive thoughts are also a good way to connect. You need to have absolute control over what you think. You can control your thoughts by being conscious and aware of what you are thinking. Eliminate stray thoughts and think positively. When you do that, you will be sending positive signals to your unconscious self.

It's extremely easy to become distracted from the goals that are most important.Typically, when you lose focus on what's important it's because your conscious mind becomes occupied with something. Although your subconscious mind wants to continue working on the original plan, your attention is diverted from the ultimate goal to something more timely, but usually not nearly as important.When your focus shifts, the ability of your subconscious mind to take on and solve the problems you've laid out for it becomes significantly lower. To counteract this, you've got to make a conscious effort to maintain your focus on the issues that you want your subconscious to concentrate on. By this I mean you've got to be aware of the distractions that are presented to your conscious mind, and do your best to flush them out.Once you understand how to filter your thoughts so that only the absolutely important ones make it to your subconscious, you're on your way to realizing its potential.The only way to truly understand progress is to see where you were then, and compare it to where you are now. To see a visual map of the road you traveled is an important step towards reaching your ultimate goal.To begin, take the goal you'd like to achieve, the one that you've been calling on your subconscious mind to accomplish, and write it down in as much detail as you can.Next, identify a few of the stages or milestones that you plan to reach on the way towards achieving that goal. Keep them in your mind as necessary benchmarks.Now when you approach those benchmarks you'll be able to see how far you've come, as well as how much further you have to go.The road map lets your subconscious know that it's on the right track, that it's making progress, and what the next benchmark is, so it can apply its efforts accordingly.It's easy to tell your subconscious that your goal is to end world hunger. However, when you do that, and then realize that such a goal is beyond your scope of ability, you've set yourself up for failure. As a result you become discouraged and risk losing faith in yourself.A better way to accomplish your goal is to set a goal that challenges you, yet is realistic. If ending world hunger is your ultimate goal, how about setting your first goal at ending hunger in your community. Once you've accomplished that goal, then you can broaden your scope and work on something bigger.

Remember, all of us have an immense potential. However, only a few of us utilize that potential to the full and come up in life.A strong desire to succeed plays a pivotal role in unleashing the potential of the total mind.Would you like to learn a formula for Manifesting Money?Manifesting money requires a formula and without that formula your efforts will be met with lots of failure. Learn how its done.

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