Shyness or Social Anxiety Disorder

By Ollie M. Buhr

Also called social phobia, social anxiety disorder is a chronic form of anxiety which plagues many people, and is currently the third most experienced anxiety disorder in the US. Explained as an irrational fear of being in social situations, social anxiety can prevent sufferers from developing normal relationships, keep them from participating in activities and basically enjoying a normal life. Because of a constant fear of not fitting in, or embarrassing themselves, people with this disorder tend to be very anti-social, spending most of their time alone, or with only a specific few, trusted individuals.

Shyness or Social Anxiety Disorder? It is very natural for people to be shy at times. Shyness is a normal emotion experienced by normal, healthy people of all ages, from very small children, all the way through adulthood. It can be a good emotion to experience, too; in a way, shyness acts as a bit of a safeguard to keep us humble, and keep us on our toes in situations such as receiving compliments or being around someone we are attracted to, allowing us to create deeper bonds with people as a result.However, shyness that goes to extremes, making it impossible for a person to do things such as make eye contact with someone else or freely speak to them, is no longer just shyness. When this exaggerated "shyness" progresses to behaviors such as avoiding social situations altogether, then it becomes social phobia. In worse cases, sufferers can experience the typical symptoms of anxiety if they are forced into social situations. There is frequently racing of the heart, sweating, stuttering, nervousness, fast breathing, nausea and diarrhea, and other symptoms.

In fact, I would not be doing them a service or being fair to them. A counselor doesn't really 'fix' broken people as much as they reveal the healthy person that is trapped within. When I counsel, I look to see the potential whereas their poor thinking traps them in anxiety. Together, the client and doctor work to create a healthy picture of being. The result of this shift in thinking comes in feelings of success, contentment, and optimism.

Social anxiety disorder treatment:Relaxations techniques ,Try relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathing exercise, muscle relaxation, and medication, as they will help you in controlling various physical symptoms of anxiety. You can easily get muscle relaxation and deep breathing CD's from online stores or local health shops.Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) ,This is one of the most successful social anxiety disorder treatments, and has worked well for millions who have suffered from social anxiety disorder (social phobia). This therapy is based on the fact that what you think will eventually affect the way you feel, and your feelings have a direct bearing on your behaviour. Therefore, once you are successful in changing the way you think in certain social settings that provoke anxiety in you, you will feel much relaxed and better.

The CBT helps in:Replacing all social anxiety triggers with positive thoughts leading to more stability in life,Learn ways to control all physical symptoms of social anxiety with various relaxation techniques and breathing exercises,Face various social situations in a systematic way, instead of avoiding them.Group therapy,Group therapy is a social anxiety disorder treatment which is sometimes used within CBT and includes observing, videotaping, acting, and even mock interviews in situations that people find anxious in the real world.

You're not alone when it comes to suffering from anxiety. You probably feel that you're the only one who goes red or chokes up if you have to talk to someone. The biggest step to take when trying to overcome anxiety is the first, the first step is realising there is a problem and then searching for answers to deal with it. By reading this article and similar you are already on to the path of overcoming social anxiety.Here are few techniques that you can use straight away to help prevent and handle your anxiety.

Social anxiety disorder treatment is wide and varied today and can be easily applies when you fully understand its triggers. Various relaxation techniques along with CBT can give good results over a period of time. If the problem is chronic, medications can be included in the treatment to get faster results, but it's always better if you can use a natural cure.Can you overcome Social anxiety? Yes you can. The reactions and feelings you experience in social situations are from the thoughts you think. Have you noticed that the thoughts you thought leading up to your feeling of anxiety were negative? Was you telling yourself something bad was going to happen or did you run a movie in your mind about how the situation would go?

Try to balance the inhale and exhale process of breathing and take deep breaths. You can consciously slow your breathing down even though your thoughts are creating you to breathe quickly. Just by recognising that your starting to feel anxious, tell yourself to slow your breathing down. Just by doing this you will feel better and divert your thoughts.

This is proven by body language. If you really like someone then you will hold your body is toward the person. If you don't like the person you will naturally turn yourself away from them. These thoughts create subtle changes in our body language.By changing your thinking habits from negative thoughts to positive thoughts, you can start to overcome your anxiety. By changing the movies and pictures you create in your mind your body will start to react in the same positive way. You can also consciously change the way you hold yourself to feel better.

Try this exercise now. Sit up straight, sit up so that you have perfect posture. Now think of someone with massive confidence and authority and copy the way they would sit. Did you notice your shoulder go back a little and your chest came out a bit? Think of something funny you remember. How do you feel? Great, right? By shying away from your social anxiety your body will act like a servant to your thoughts. Start to pan your day in the morning by seeing the day going perfectly, see yourself handling social situations and you gaining more and more confidence.Social anxiety affects most of us and those who are not affected by it have learned how to handle social situations. There thought process is totally different to yours, they're not afraid of what people mights say, they don't care of being judged they happy within themselves. Do these people ever find themselves in uncomfortable embarrassing situations? No, because they're not thinking about them.

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