The Secret To Successful Life

By John W. Barker

Did you watch the hit movie called The Secret? If yes, then you might have heard about the best selling self-help book that was written and released later by Rhonda Byrne based on the movie of the same name. Just like film, the tenet of Rhonda's book is that the law of attraction governs the universe. It is said that this natural law works by attracting people, events, situations and experiences which matches the frequency of an individual's feelings and thoughts. With positive thinking and the principles of the laws of attraction, a person could experience life changes which can result in increased wealth, happiness and good health.

Understanding the Universal Laws of Attraction.In general, the universal laws of attraction suggest that you attract what your mind formulates. This means that what you think about, whether intentionally or unconsciously is what can happen. Thus, by entertaining positive thoughts, you are likely to attract desirable events in your life. Similarly, by being cynical about yourself and those around you, you also allow things to make life harder for you. It is like the universe listens to us and grants us our wishes. In this case, you have to stay hopeful and never put yourself down.

How to Benefit from the Laws of Attraction in Relationships.It is not right to spend all your life waiting for someone to come along yet at the back of your mind you are saying that it is never going to happen. The truth is, love is easy to find if you believe in it. It may not even require you to change anything but your attitude towards yourself. Considering yourself as inferior to others, or relying on someone for your happiness can only make you look and feel miserable. Understand the laws of attraction in love, and make it work for you.

Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you. Before the man or woman of your dreams can love you, you have to love yourself first. Take notice of how the people who unconditionally care about you make you appreciate yourself more. If it is due to their faith in your potentials, learn how to do it for yourself too. This way, you can look your best even outside your comfort zone.

Obviously, the basic flaw is that the Secret compares the Law of Attraction to the Law of Gravitation, which is not the case. Anyone can demonstrate Newton's law, because if you drop an object the acceleration is going to be just as the law predicts. This always works as predicted, which is why it is called a law.

These laws are set in stone so to speak and cannot be changed or altered in anyway, they apply to everyone and everything and are always at work whether we are aware of it or not.Among these universal laws is the law of attraction which states that we can attract that which we desire into our lives through the power of our thoughts and quite literally become the masters of our own destiny, or as Napolean Hill once quoted the "the captains of our souls".In essence the law of attraction attracts to you that which you desire most and that which you focus your thoughts on most.Everything going in your life whether it be relationships, financial status, well-being e.t.c is a direct reflection of your accustomed way of thinking and the nature of your thoughts.

The Law of Attraction gained a lot of publicity back in 2006 when the film the secret was launched which was a documentary type film where some of the leading experts appeared on camera to give an insight into what the Law of Attraction is and how it works.The film was good for the newcomer who knew little or nothing about the law of attraction but at the same time it really only touched the tip of the iceberg and gave no reasoning regarding how this powerful law of the universe works or its true origins.

Well, the answer to that is simple too.According to Bob Proctor one of the key figures in the hit move The Secret and very successful Motivational Speaker, there are in fact 11 laws that accompany the Law of Attraction and they were simply left out of the movie. So, most people got the basic "jisk" of the Law but not the full version of it. Thus, leaving people frustrated and doubtful like me. He believes that great results will be achieved once the 11 Laws are learnt and applied.

You see... we all have certain beliefs that we were taught as children. Such beliefs can leave us to stop or block the manifesting process. Bob calls these beliefs "paradigms" If we belief that forgiving someone means we are letting them get away with what they did and need to be punished then we are creating blocks that will not allow us to attract anything positive. The same is true if we belief that "money is the root of all evil" (and many of us were taught this as children) then we will never be able to manifest wealth like we want.

It was in the nineteenth century that the law of attraction had made its presence in the Western hemisphere where people had started to understand and treasure the power of maintaining a positive attitude and positive thought processes and had started applying this new found knowledge in their own lives.So it's clear that the law of attraction had been referenced and practiced long before any new age movements started to surface. Many wise men including the Monks understood that mans belief can directly impact their path of fate as well as the journey they would take in order to reach their final destination!

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